13.6. Equalizers

Equalizer Preferences
allows you to setup the equalizers.
Equalizer Rack: The Equalizer Rack is a special effect rack that is connected to the deck’s equalizer and filter controls.
In this section you can select the equalizers and quick effects that are used with the decks.
Equalizer Plugin: Here you can select the effect that is used as the mixing EQ in each deck. By default only built-in equalizers are displayed. Unchecking
allows you to select any other effect.Quick Effect: Here you can select the effect that is controlled by the dedicated filter knob in each deck. By default only built-in filter effects are selected for all decks, but that can be changed as above.
High/Low Shelf EQ: This slider sets the crossover frequencies of the mixing EQ. It controls which frequency range is affected by the low, mid, and high channel EQ knobs. By default the low knob controls the bass and sub bass range up to 246 Hz. The mid knob controls the mid range up to 2.5 kHz. The remaining treble range is controlled by the high knob.
Master EQ: This section allows you to setup an EQ that affects the term:main output.
Mixing Equalizers
Mixxx offers three types of mixing equalizers with a full kill option. These equalizers are 「isolators」, adapted from analog crossover networks. Each EQ is combination of a high shelf filter, a band pass filter, and a low shelf filter. Each EQ type has a unique sound, so try them out to find out which one you prefer.
The Bessel EQs with Lipshitz and Vanderkooy Mix (LV-Mix) do not alter the sound or take any processing time when their knobs are in the center position. They activate once you adjust an EQ knob.
The Linkwitz-Riley EQ on the other hand always applies a minimum, natural sounding phase shift to the sound. Their processing time does not change when you adjust the EQ knobs.
The following table compares some technical parameters:
Type |
cut |
roll-off |
phase shift |
bit perfect |
CPU usage |
Bessel4 LV-Mix |
soft |
-24 db/Oct |
linear |
yes |
low |
Bessel8 LV-Mix |
medium |
-48 db/Oct |
linear |
yes |
medium |
Linkwitz-Riley |
sharp |
-48 db/Oct |
minimum |
no |
high |
cut: the frequency response (curve form) at the cross over frequency.
roll-off: The steepness of the EQ bands.
linear phase: No phase distortion, all frequencies are processed with the same group delay.
minimum phase: A natural phase distortion, the group delay changes by the frequency.
bit perfect: Whether the EQ leaves the original samples untouched when the EQ is at unity.
CPU usage: Processing time needed to calculate the EQ output.