2. Prvi koraki

2.1. Installing Mixxx

After downloading Mixxx from our Website, you need to install it on your computer.


Double-click the Mixxx installation file and go through the installation wizard.


Double-click the Mixxx .dmg file and drag the Mixxx icon to your Applications folder.


No steps are necessary after you followed the instructions on the download page.

2.2. Upgrading Mixxx

You may safely install Mixxx on top of any previous version. You don’t need to uninstall the old version.

Your settings and library will not be removed or reset, but they may be upgraded when you launch the new version of Mixxx. Note that we do not guarantee that new configurations will work on older versions of Mixxx, therefore you may want to make a backup of your existing settings just in case.

For locations in each supported OS as well as detailed descriptions of the settings files, go to The Mixxx Settings Directory.

2.3. Zagon Mixxx

logo Once you’ve installed Mixxx, start by opening Mixxx and importing your music to the Mixxx library.


Dvokliknite Mixxx ikono na namizju, poiščite Mixxx v Windows start menuju ali poiščite Mixxx.exe.


Dvokliknite Mixxx ikono v imeniku Applications. Drug način je, da potegnete Mixxx ikono v pristan oz. Dock in ga potem tam dvokliknete ali pa poiščete mixxx v Spotlight.


Kliknite ikono Mixxx na meniju s programi ali v zaganjalniku vašega namiznega okolja ali pa poiščite mixxx. Lahko tudi v terminal vtipkate mixxx in nato pritisnete tipko Return. Če zvočni vmesnik iz Mixxx ni dostopen, ker ga prek PulseAudio uporabljajo drugi programi, lahko Mixxx zaprete in znova zaženete z pasuspender mixxx. Za pregled opcij ukazne vrstice za Mixxx glejte Launching Mixxx from the Command Line.

2.4. Uvoz zvočnih datotek

Mixxx 1st run - Choose music library directory dialog

Mixxx z Windows 10 – Pogovorno okno za izbor imenika glasbene zbirke

Ko je Mixxx prvič zagnan, vpraša za lokacijo direktorija, kjer je shranjena vaša glasba. V odnovi za dialog kaže na lokacijo, kjer so glasbene datoteke ponavadi shranjene, lahko pa izberete drugo lokacijo na vašem računalniku.

Kliknite Izberi mapo in Mixxx bo preiskal vašo glasbeno zbirko. Glede na velikost vaše zbirke lahko to traja dlje časa. Vse podprte glasbene datoteke, ki jih Mixxx odkrije, bodo navedene v Tracks - View and edit your whole collection.

Če želite vašo zbirko osvežiti (ker ste denimo dodali ali premaknili kakšne datoteke), lahko to storite z izbiro opcije Zbirka ‣ Preglej zbirko iz menija. Če želite zbirko osvežiti ob vsakem zagonu, izberite Nastavitve ‣ Zbirka‣ Preglej ob zagonu.


V Windows 7 in 8 dialog za uvoz kaže na Windowsovo glasbeno zbirko, ki je posebna virtualna mapa. Teh virtualnih imenikov ne morete uporabljati. Namesto tega uporabite navadno mapo, ponavadi je to “My Music“, kot je prikazano na zgornji sliki.

2.5. Analiza zbirke

Library - Icon Analyze Mixxx automatically analyzes tracks the first time you load them in a deck. This allows you to run beatgrid, key, and ReplayGain detection on tracks in advance. It also prepares the waveform overviews, detects file corruption, and calculates the BPM values.

Poglej Tudi

Za več informacij glej Beat Detection.

Why you should analyze your audio files

If the tracks have never been played with Mixxx before, the library columns BPM, Duration and Key will be empty or unreliable (because the values are just read from the file’s tags if present and might be wrong). Pre-generating beatgrids gives you the chance to double-check the beat markers to make sure they are correct. Errors in beatgrids can cause difficulty when syncing tracks. Furthermore, track analysis takes considerable CPU power and might cause skips in the audio — things you surely don’t need while performing.

How to analyze your audio files

Once you have imported your music library, press OK on the Preferences window.

  • Go to the Analyze view on the left side panel of the library.

  • To analyze a few specific tracks, hold down the Ctrl button, and select the tracks that you want to analyze or you can shift-select a range of tracks. Once they’ve been highlighted, click the Analyze button on the top right of the library section.

  • To analyze the newly added tracks, toggle the New label and then click Analyze.

  • To analyze the entire library, toggle the All label and then click Analyze.

  • The New and All toggle buttons are located at the top left of the analysis pane - just above the Preview and Cover Art column titles of the library.

While analyzing, the progress in percentage and total queue length are shown.

2.6. Nastavitve vhodnih in izhodnih naprav

Preden lahko pričnete uporabljati Mixxx, morate nastaviti uporabljeno strojno opremo za zvok. To storite v Nastavitve ‣ Strojna oprema za zvok. Ni vam potrebno nastaviti prav vseh vhodov in izhodov.

V poglavju Strojna oprema za DJ-anje je opisana različna strojna oprema za DJ-anje in razloženo, kako zanjo nastaviti možnosti vhodov ter izhodov. Da bi Mixxx na vašem sistemu deloval kar najbolje, poleg vhodov in izhodov nastavite tudi druge nastavitve: Sound Hardware.

Mixxx nastavitve strojne opreme za zvok

Mixxx nastavitve strojne opreme za zvok

Možnosti izhodov

Notranje miksanje:

Te izhode uporabite, če ne uporabljate zunanje strojne mešalke. Če uporabljate kontroler z vgrajenim zvočni vmesnikom, uporabite te izhode.

  • Main: all decks, samplers, microphones, and auxiliary inputs mixed together. This output is sent to the speakers for the audience.

  • Slušalke: vsi predvajalniki, vzorčevalniki, mikrofoni in pomožni izhodi dodeljeni poslušanju pred drsnikom

  • Booth: same as main output, but has a separate gain control

Zunanje miksanje:

  • Predvajalniki 1–4: posamezni ne-zmešani predvajalniki, ki se pošljejo zunanji mešalki

  • Bus Left/Center/Right: all decks, samplers, and auxiliary inputs assigned to each side of Mixxx’s crossfader

Možnosti vhodov

Notranje miksanje:

Te vhode uporabite, če ne uporabljate zunanje strojne mešalke. Če uporabljate kontroler z vgrajenim zvočni vmesnikom, uporabite te vhode.

  • Mikrofon 1–4: vhodi za živi mikrofon ali glasbilo

  • Pomožni 1–4: drugi zvočni viri

Zunanje miksanje:

  • Record/Broadcast: When this is configured, Mixxx will record and broadcast from this audio interface input instead of the internal main output mix. If you have a microphone plugged into the mixer, do not configure the Microphone 1-4 inputs.

Notranje ali zunanje mešanje

  • Gramofonsko upravljanje 1–4: vhod s časovnimi kodami z gramofonskih ali CD plošč za upravljanje predvajalnikov 1–4

Poglej Tudi

Raba mikrofonov