Stanton SCS.1m

Stanton SCS.1m (top/schematic view). Image courtesy of Stanton Magnetics, Inc., overlay (c) 2009 Sean M. Pappalardo.
Uusi versiossa 1.7.
Easy customization: We have provided the following customization variables at the top of the script you can set to your liking:
faderStart: If set to true, it allows decks to start when their channel or the cross-fader is opened. (This is also toggleable with the topmost button on the controller. See below.)
scratchFactor: Adjusts the speed of scratching with the select knob. (Defaults to 2.)
Just open the controllers/Stanton-SCS1m-scripts.js
file in your favorite
text editor (Wordpad works too) and you’ll see these variables right near the
top. Edit & save.
Deck controls
Refer to the image above, top to bottom
a buttons: Sync function: change the pitch of the deck so that its BPM matches that of the other deck (assuming the pitch range is sufficient)
b buttons: Toggle headphone cue
Gain, High, Mid, Low knobs: as labeled
Panknob: unused
c encoders
Rotate to increase or decrease the pitch range in 1% steps
Press to toggle the flange effect
c displays: Show the current pitch adjustment percentage. The back light color changes with the pitch range:
Green = 1%-25%
Orange = 25%-50%
Red = 50% and above
c A buttons: Permanently lower the pitch by 1%
c B buttons: Permanently raise the pitch by 1%
e sliders: Pitch adjust
e buttons: Temporarily raise the pitch by 4% for as long as held (pitch bend up.)
g buttons: Temporarily lower the pitch by 4% for as long as held (pitch bend down.)
d encoders
Rotate to nudge the track either direction (akin to twisting a record spindle)
Press to toggle reverse playback
LEDs show current track position
d displays: Show the current track time remaining. They will flash slowly when less than 30 seconds remain, quickly when less than 15 seconds remain.
d A buttons: Rewind
d B buttons: Fast-forward
f sliders: Volume adjust
f buttons: Play/pause
h buttons: Cue
Global controls
Refer to the image above, top to bottom
z button: Toggle fader start/cue
Master, Headphones, Cue Mix knobs: as labeled
Zoneknob: unused
Gainknob: unused
i knob: Adjust flange effect depth
j knob: Adjust flange effect delay
k knob: Adjust flange effect period (Low Frequency Oscillator)
l knob: Adjust main pan (balance)
pbutton: unused
m button: BPM tap for Deck 1
nbutton: unused
o button: BPM tap for Deck 2
Preset buttons: Hot cue points for the selected deck (q button)
Bank Down button: select backward between Library, Playlist, and Browse views
Bank Up button: select forward between Library, Playlist, and Browse views
q button: Change which deck’s hot cues are active (Preset buttons.) Off is Deck 1, On (red) is Deck 2.
r jog wheel:
Browse mode:
Rotate to move the track select highlight
Press to load the selected track into the first stopped deck, if any. //(This is not working <> in 1.9.x for some reason.)//
Control mode:
Rotate to scratch the song on the selected deck
//Pressing does nothing//
Cancel button:
Browse mode: Press to load the highlighted song onto deck 1, if it’s not currently playing.
Control mode: hold down to enable scratching on deck 1
Enter button:
Browse mode: Press to load the highlighted song onto deck 2, if it’s not currently playing.
Control mode: hold down to enable scratching on deck 2
//Setup button: unused by Mixxx but will enter the mixer’s internal setup menu//
Control button: Selects scratching mode for the jog wheel
Browse button: Selects track browse mode for the jog wheel
(Any unlabeled controls are not currently used.)